A lot of people like to be prepared for the worst so some wonder what is the difference between AHA and Red Cross CPR Certification? Across the USA, hundreds of organizations and bodies can issue a CRP certificate. You just have to register, apply, and start your training sessions. However, how these certification bodies organize their course content, skill evaluation, and hands-on practice methods can differ significantly.
Today, some of the most popular and credible organizations issuing CPR certificates are the American Heart Association (AHA) and the American Red Cross. These two organizations are establishing standards in CPR certification through evidence-based guidelines and recommendations.
Below we analyze the difference between AHA and Red Cross CPR Certification and how they can improve your overall knowledge of the procedure.
The difference between AHA and Red Cross CPR Certification: Unified Learning Methods
Throughout the years, organizations like the American Heart Association and the American Red Cross developed different training methodologies. Some of the more popular and prominent training methodologies are: Flipped CPR Learning, Jigsaw Model CPR Training, Multi Staged Approach, Kiosk Session, and Non-standard Face-to-Face CPR Training.
Nonetheless, all these learning approaches and training methods are unified in a single goal of teaching the correct CPR performance. If you choose any issuing body or organization, no matter what methodologies are in practice, you’ll acquire knowledge about the basic rules of the CPR procedure.
Regardless of the training method, you will be taught about the correct compression-to-ventilation ratio, the proper rescue breaths performance, or how to give CPR on a child or an infant.
However, there can be differences between the CPR certification programs. The best example of this is the certification programs of two of the most credible organizations – the American Heart Association and the Red Cross. If you open their official websites and try to apply for CPR classes, you’ll see some variations within the curriculum.Now let’s take a deep dive into what the difference between AHA and Red Cross CPR Certification is.
AHA’s CPR Certificates You Can Get
The American Heart Association is setting the standards for CPR certification programs across the United States. Even though each state can have its certification bodies, AHA is the organization that publishes scientific guidelines regularly on various cardiovascular health topics.
Moreover, AHA has its journal where it publishes the latest, scientifically-proven CPR guidelines and recommendations. It also certifies thousands of organizations across the States to enable them to provide CPR certification services.
On top of that, the American Heart Association provides its certification process consisting of different modules and methodologies. AHA’s courses are divided into three main categories:
- Heartsaver Courses
- Courses for Medical Professionals, and
- Community Programs
You can acquire the course materials online and start learning in no time. AHA offers its students the opportunity to register at the site and apply for the courses. Usually, the organization will give blended courses (a combination of online learning and classroom courses).
Different CPR Courses
AHA’s certification options are numerous. You can apply for a whole range of different courses, including BLS (Basic Life Support), ALS (Advanced Life Support), first-aid courses, pediatric resuscitation courses, and much more.
The fundamental level of certification is the first-aid training program. Here you can learn all about the first-aid basics as well as the proper performance of the CPR procedure. Furthermore, you can take the “Pediatric First Aid CPR AED” course, which is also a part of the “Heartsaver” courses, and acquire a certificate for giving child or neonatal resuscitation.
Additionally, AHA’s “Heartsaver” courses include the “CPR AED” and “First Aid CPR AED” courses. All these are conducted on the blended learning principle – a combination of online and classroom courses.
The classroom courses are usually instructor-led pieces of training where you’ll get the chance to practice your CPR skills on mannequins and acquire practical knowledge of cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
On the other hand, the courses for medical professionals include ACLS (Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support), BP measurement courses, BLS (Basic Life Support), and pediatric courses.
The ACLS, BLS, and pediatric courses are focused on providing you with in-depth knowledge of high-quality CPR procedures. If you apply for these courses and acquire a certificate, you’ll be mastering high-quality chest compressions, the correct compression-to-ventilation ratio, child and infant CPR, etc.
AHA’s Instructor Certificates
The American Heart Association also offers a blend of courses for becoming an AHA instructor. You can enroll in some of them by visiting the official website, completing the Instructor Candidate Application, and being accepted by the authorized AHA Training Center.
The American Heart Association constantly needs new instructors, which means that you can apply at any time. What’s more, if you acquire the instructor’s certificate, you’ll obtain extensive knowledge of various techniques and device usage.
Red Cross CPR Certificates You Can Get
Let’s take a deer dive into the difference between AHA and Red Cross CPR Certification. The resuscitation science wouldn’t be complete without the presence and engagement of the Red Cross. Apart from AHA, this organization is also essential for knowledge transfer and providing high-quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation certificates.
The Red Cross provides CPR classes as part of different modules and programs. The “Training + Certification” programs are divided into two categories:
- Individuals
- Organizations
The Red Cross provides CPR classes for individuals as a part of a whole set of modules, such as:
- Only Only Classes
- First Aid
- BSL/CPR for Healthcare
- Babysitting & Childcare
- Swimming + Water Safety
- Instructor Training & Bridging
On the other hand, the classes and certificates for organizations are:
- Workplace Safety (First Aid/CPR/AED)
- Training for Organizations
- Healthcare Professionals (BLS/ALS/PALS)
Each of these courses will provide you or your organization with in-depth knowledge of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation procedure as well as when and how to perform it. Below we’ll delve more into their individual classes, as these are in higher demand.
Red Cross CPR Training for Individuals
This category encompasses a set of techniques, skills, and learning options. The Red Cross offers you three learning methodologies:
- In-person – The Red Cross provides you with the opportunity of learning with the help of a knowledgeable instructor and the opportunity to participate in hands-on skill sessions.
- Online courses – These are self-paced courses structured around the basics of handling a cardiac arrest or breathing emergency. The passing grade is 80% on the CPR exam. Moreover, the Red Cross will still provide you with an opportunity of assessing your skills in the presence of a certified instructor.
- Blended learning – This is a combination of the previous two teaching methods.
The Red Cross certification procedure is simple and fast. After passing the exam and correctly demonstrating your skills, you can get your CPR certificate online. Each certificate has its distinct ID and QR code and can be downloaded, printed, or shared.
You can also renew your certificate every two years by registering and applying for some of the aforementioned learning methodologies. Moreover, the Red Cross can teach you to give CPR on your pet.
The Red Cross, similarly to AHA, provides instructor courses for those individuals that want to pass on their knowledge.
Differences in Difficulty Levels Between AHA and Red Cross CPR Certifications
You can see the difference between AHA and Red Cross CPR Certification by looking at the difficulty of the courses and the exams. AHA’s courses and exams are believed to be more extensive and challenging. For example, the Red Cross passing percentage rate is 80%. On the other hand, AHA’s passing grade is between 84% and 85%.
Additionally, AHA’s certificates remain valid for 2 years, while Red Cross certificates remain valid for 1 or 2 years, depending on the level of certification.
In general, both organizations offer similar length, difficulty, and content. However, some healthcare organizations prefer AHA certificates, while others prefer Red Cross certification. In most cases, AHA’s certificates are more widely accepted.
Understanding The difference between AHA and Red Cross CPR Certification
Both organizations will teach you the essentials of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the proper emergency response. The content and length of the classes are quite similar; you’ll learn different techniques and acquire a wide set of skills.
However, there are some differences in the difficulty of the programs and the exams, as well as some exceptions in the training methodologies and program modules. Seeing that both organizations are transparent, you can check which suits you more. Their certificates are widely accepted and a benchmark in CPR certification. Now you should feel more confident understanding the difference between AHA and Red Cross CPR Certification.